Sinus Youth Milieus

How do teenagers tick? There's no such thing as THE young people or Generation Z. As in other age groups, this age group also manifests a high degree of socio-cultural diversity.

Social Status Upper class / Upper middle-class Middle middle-class Lower middle-class /Lower class Tradition Sense of Duty,Order Individualization, Self-actualization, Pleasure Multi-Options,Pragmatism Re-focussing,New syntheses Modernisation Re-orientation Basic Orientation Hedonists22% Conservative-Nostalgics15% Adaptiv-PragmaticMiddle Class21% ProgressiveRealists13% CosmopolitanIndividualists14% Performers15%


Globalization- and progress-affirming, success-driven youth

Cosmopolitan Individualists

Ambitious lifestyle avant-garde

Progressive Realists

Drivers of social change

Adaptiv-Pragmatic Middle Class

Flexible and benefit-oriented mainstream


Family- and homeland-oriented down-to-earth youth


Mainstream-refusing, fun- and consumption-driven youth

Tip: Click on a sinus milieu for a brief description

Sinus-Milieus Short description

Globalization- and progress-affirming, success-driven youth

Cosmopolitan Individualists

Ambitious lifestyle avant-garde

Progressive Realists

Drivers of social change

Adaptiv-Pragmatic Middle Class

Flexible and benefit-oriented mainstream


Family- and homeland-oriented down-to-earth youth


Mainstream-refusing, fun- and consumption-driven youth

INTEGRAL has been researching youth lifeworlds for many years. Our youth studies capture the great socio-cultural diversity of youth that has become typical of developed and highly individualized societies. Now we also present the new youth-focused milieu model, which specifies the general milieu model for the under-30 age group.

Why do we need a youth focus of the Sinus-Milieus? The basic orientation of the Sinus-Milieus is largely independent of gender, age, place of residence, etc. However, there is a variability of lifestyles that reflects environmental influences and in particular age-related needs and opportunities. Furthermore, not all milieus are present on a relevant scale among younger people.

In the youth-focused area, the left-hand section of the basic orientation, "tradition", is hardly occupied; by contrast, more than half of this age group is found in the "re-orientation" area. Five of the six youth milieus are identical in name to the corresponding main milieus and have largely the same basic orientation. The Conservative-Nostalgic, however, exist only in the youth segment; they include aspects of the Nostalgic Middle Class, Established-Conservatives and Consumption-Orientated of the main model.

You can book the information package "Youth" now. You can find information about the contents here (German Version).

Communicating with young target groups

How do teenagers tick? There's no such thing as THE young people or Generation Z. As in other age groups, this age group also manifests a high degree of socio-cultural diversity. For instance, the two milieus of Cosmopolitan Individualists and Progressive Realists have very different values and life orientations, each of which must be addressed specifically if communication with young people is to be successful. We tell you how the different youth target groups react to images and terms, which communication channels, codes and designs are relevant to them and convince them.

We offer you the opportunity to analyze specific advertising materials and work with you to develop your optimal youth-specific market communication.