

In Austria, around a quarter of the total population has a migrant background. Integration and coexistence of immigrants and the resident population are essential tasks for our society. Linked to this are the questions of how refugees and migrants experience their everyday lives in Austria, what consumer, leisure and media offerings they use, what life goals they pursue, what values they adhere to, what wishes, fears and expectations they have for the future.

Numerous studies on the migrant population

INTEGRAL and SINUS have been investigating these and other questions in empirical studies for many years. In terms of content, a wide range of topics have been investigated: consumer behavior and leisure activities, communication and media use, the role of religion in life, home and belonging, attachment and identity, transnationality and integration, closeness and distance to natives, experiences of discrimination and places of discrimination, association/group memberships, attitudes toward immigration, trust in institutions and political interest, social participation, understanding of democracy, well-being in initial accommodations and housing preferences, and social coexistence.

We offer different methods for data collection: From pragmatic online surveys (which, of course, only allow us to reach a portion of the migrant population), to recruitment at locations frequented by the target community to extensive personal surveys in multiple languages.